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Welcome to RATh official Website

Roads Association of Thailand (RATh) is a member of International Road Federation (IRF). Established in 1963, with almost 60 years of operation, RATh now has expanded the communication to online channel in order to provide relevant and useful information to our road transportation community.

Our service is to provide full spectrum of issues and activities related to road transportation to our members and the public sector. It will consolidate the communication channel between RATh and road transportation community. RATh also aim to serve as the online platform and community hub in order to gather and share all efficient data and information on road transportation.

ผู้เข้ารับการฝึกอบรมทุกหลักสูตร จะได้รับคะแนนหน่วยความรู้
(Profeesional Development Unit : PDU) 27 PDU
และสามารถนำจำนวน PDU ไปขึ้นทะเบียนกับสภาวิศวกร